We All Want to Be Heroes
Your brain is a storyteller. So is mine. The reason is the brain’s primary objective is to keep us alive. In order to do that it a) needs to understand how the world works; and b) predict what is likely to happen next. The more it understands how the world works, the more accurate it can be at predicting what will happen next. The more accurate it is at predicting what will happen next, the more successful it will be at keeping us alive. For this reason, our brains have an insatiable appetite for story. As our brains understand how the world works, they tell us stories. These stories help us understand the world around us. In other words, in these stories (our personal movie), we are the main character. And that’s the problem in sales today. Everyone wants to show up as the hero in somebody else’s movie. I will be explaining all of this in my upcoming book, Heroes, Villains and the Thrill of Professional Selling, due to be released in the fall. Below is a trailer that will be used to promote the book. Enjoy!